About us

March 21st, 2019

交谊舞俱乐部是一个非营利组织,成立于2007年,我们的目标是为交谊舞爱好者提供一个相互学习和交流的环境,使我们的生活更加丰富多彩, 舞蹈水平不断提高。 我们欢迎所有有共同兴趣的朋友们积极参加。
交谊舞俱乐部是由领导团队负责组织每次活动。 为了使我们能更好的为社区服务让大家有一个令人愉快的时光,欢迎大家提出任何建议。

Dance club is a non-profit organization. Our goal is to provide a friendly place for ballroom dance enthusiasts to enjoy themselves. We welcome everyone with the same interest to join us. The organization is formed by a leadership team. This leadership team is in charge of organizing each dance party. To improve the quality of dance parties and make our dance parties an enjoyable, memorable event, any suggestions are welcome.

This is the thing we love and enjoy to do.
This is the thing we are passionate about.
This is the place we meet our old and new friends.
This is the place we dance with our favorite old and new songs.
This is the time we get refreshed and recharged.
This is the time we feel, wow, life is wonderful!

Leadership team members:

Cao Suling 曹素玲, Cai Bing 蔡兵, Chai Lin 柴林, Chao Qimin 巢麒敏, Cheng Gong 成功, Chen Hongyu 陈泓羽, Liqiong Chen 陈立琼, Chen Xin 承新 Cindy, Chen Xingshu 陈幸舒,Shujuan Cong 丛姝娟 Susan, Guo Yi 国毅, Guo Wenjun 郭文君, He Xintao 何新涛, Hu Bangbo 胡邦波, Huang Zhenbo 黄振波, Jiang Ci 蒋辞, Jiang Kaina 姜凯娜, Jin Lihui 金利慧, Li Hanhui 李汉晖, Li Hao 李灏, Li Ming 李鸣, Li Hongmei 李红梅, Li Lingling 李玲玲, Liu Hui 刘惠, Liu Jie 刘洁, Lou Yongqing 楼永庆, Lu Min 陆敏, Nie Fusheng 聂伏生, Pan Kaijie 潘开捷, Kevin, Zu-Fang Sheng 盛祖芳, Tang Joanne 汤娟, Wang Kathy 王荷, Wang Zhibin 王智斌, Wu Ying 吴颖, Xia Shujuan 夏蜀娟, Xiong Xuede 熊学德, Xu Gang 徐刚, Xu Jie 徐捷, Xu(Tang) Lina 许丽娜, Xu Shirley 董小莹, Yang Ke 杨克, Ye SunFei 叶申菲, Ye Xiaomei 叶小梅, Yu Bo 余波, Yu Jianping 于建平, Hui Zhang 张辉, Zhang Chunlei 张春雷, Zhang Sherri 张晓惠, Zhongqi Zhang 张中琪 Jason, Zhao Yan 赵燕, Yi Zhao 赵毅, Zheng William 郑文理, Zhong Bob 仲崇新, Jin Zhou 周瑾, Zhou Jing 周菁, Zhou Yingying 周盈颖, Zu Wenhong 祖文红

熊学德 Xiong Xuede Email: xd7964@yahoo.com
黄振波 Huang Zhenbo Email: zhuang61@yahoo.com
陈幸舒 Chen Xingshu Email: xschen88@yahoo.com
周瑾 Zhou Jin Email: jinzhou_us@hotmail.com

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